Friday, October 21, 2011

Week 7 - Digital Color

The MD display screen will be a multicolor screen, which would make it more attractive and user friendly.
When the user scans their image it will be displayed in full color with the color red indicating the most affected area of the scan. If there is actually a problem, such as a fracture, concussion, break, or other situation that needs medical attention, that area will be easily visible by the red image with a description of the image displayed on the next screen, also in red. Blue and green will also play an indicating role on the image, showing blockages or some other meaning.
When using the GPS system on the MD, it will operate very much like the current Garmin device in that the screen will display differently depending on whether it is morning or evening and the road map will display in green or blue depending on whether it is in morning or evening mode. Destinations will be indicated by a yellow or orange box, with the address printed inside that box. The GPS system will also show route alternatives in purple, green or blue, each color representing either a ‘fastest’, ‘shortest’, or ‘unrestricted’ route map for the viewer.
Overall, the MD will operate very much like existing devices that clearly show easily distinguishable images making it easy to read and follow. When addresses are displayed, the closest address will not only be at the top of the list, but will also show up in a highlighted color. High screen resolution will be a priority because of the nature and importance of the information being sent. Viewers may have to make extremely fast decisions, and easily identifiable color codes will assist in that process.

1 comment:

  1. I like the fact that it will show different routes depending on the type of route, that would be great for selecting a route when you generally know an area and want to avoid certain roads.
